Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thank You 2013

The end of every year is the most fitting time to look back upon our accomplishments and beat ourselves up silly over our shortcomings. For the last couple of years my resolutions are less like resolutions and more like adjustments to the old goals I haven't reached yet. Because I really want to reach them. When the time has come to throw out another calendar and there were still a bunch of things left to accomplish on it, it's then that I realize that the goal was too broad or my motivation too narrow. Or both. It's easy to blame other people or other factors, so I try to remind myself about what's crazier - the person that refuses to listen, or the person who insists on shouting? Sometimes I'm either and things become clearer only when you step back far enough to see the stage we sometimes forget we are actors on.

One of my happiest accomplishments this year was doing just this; sharing on the net thoughts usually reserved exclusively for my screen or a notebook. I remember the day my truly amazing and supportive wife Sofia suggested I share all the writing I was squirreling away. I remember being irrationally defensive of my stuff and reminding her I wrote for myself, not for anyone else. She said that was pretty selfish, and she couldn't have been more right. What was the difference between the writing I created and the artwork I was eager to post images of online? There wasn't, and that's when I decided an (admittedly long) self intro was in order.

I later had the desire to share a love letter I had written to my wife about the first day we met, the best, longest, most awesomest date ever. It's had the most read hits so far, and I like to think that that's a testament to how cool our first meeting was, and how cool my life partner is.

I turned 43 this year, and there were still bad habits I exhibit when my birthday gets close. I'm eager to see if I've finally cleared those cobwebs when I turn 44.

Twerking was such a headline this year that I could not help but put my two-cents in.

An article about marriage and its meaning struck a chord with me considering the rather large spectrum of definitions for marriage people around me have. I don't for a minute think I have the definition, just my opinion.

Beauty will forever be in the eye of the beholder, and the Hip-Hop art world received an eye-gouging with the defamation of 5 Pointz in Queens.

Finally, I wrote down my thoughts about being thankful for the things I may not ordinarily think about even on the day dedicated specifically for giving thanks.

I want to thank everyone that took the time to read my writing. It's an honor beyond words considering I don't even know the majority of you! As it turns out I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, the feedback, and I find it's easier to share my thoughts than I ever thought possible.
May 2014 be 2,014 times better than 2013 was.
Health, happiness and love to us all.