Saturday, April 16, 2016


On March 6 2016, the early golden sun was made slightly brighter as our mom's soul reunited with the Universe. It is surreal and painful and disorienting and my tears run uncontrollably at even a small reminder of her because reminders of her time on Earth with us abound; our dad's words and memories, decades worth of photos, our kids' family drawings, when I cook or sew, plants and flowers, our sister's face. 
It is a physical pain and discomfort to miss her this much and yet those same reminders is how I know Mami is better, not sick anymore, not suffering or struggling or limited. Peaceful and vigilant of us now more than ever. The void, the vacuum she left in her wake is but a testament to how much we love her and she us, and the measure of how unforgettable and therefore eternal all our beloved departed truly are.

A heartfelt thank you from our family to each of you who took a minute to pray for our mom; a wife, a sister, an aunt, a grandmother, a friend. If only for a minute you thought about someone else's pain or discomfort and sincerely wished them hope and light, then you planted a seed in the Universe that may someday bear the fruit of health for you or a loved one in return.
Thank you.

Mami we love and remember you with every breath and every beat of our hearts. Although I don't look forward to the end of my life I am comforted by the fact that when I reach it, you will be there to greet me.

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